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NZNV - Invercargill

Control Positions and Navaids

Position Name Shortcode Callsign Frequency Login ID Usage
Invercargill ADC TNV Invercargill Tower 118.500 NZNV_TWR Primary


The Invercargill CTR/D follows the inner lateral boundries shown below from SFC to A015. The CTR/D is comprised of three sectors - North, South and Instrument. The Invercargill CTA/D follows the outer lateral boundary as shown below. Within 15 nm NV VOR the lower limit is A015, to the south the lower limit is A025 except to the south east where it is A045, to the north it steps between A035, A055, and A065, and to the east it is A035. The upper limit is A095 for the entire CTA as seen in the diagram below.

Invercargill Control Zone

Invercargill Control Zone (CTR/D) and Control Area (CTA/D)

Areas of Responsibility

Invercargill's main apron has five stands. The areas of responsibility are as depicted below.

Invercargill Areas of Responsibility

Invercargill Areas of Responsibility

Pushback and Taxi

Pushback and startup clearance from stand one to five is managed by Tower. Controllers can make use of a "tail-facing" instruction to manage direction of pushback.

An aircraft may be given a combined taxi/backtrack instruction, Traffic permitting. Aircraft may advise the controller they are able to accept an intersection departure, therefore they may be taxiied to the holding point, omiting the backtrack instruction.

Taxi Backtrack Instruction

ANZ758M: "ANZ758M, request taxi."

Invercargill Tower: "ANZ758M, taxi backtrack, lineup runway 22."

Taxi Instruction

ZK-ELT: "ELT, request taxi."

Invercargill Tower: "ELT, via A, enter backtrack, lineup runway 22."


IFR traffic departing via ADLUP shall be handed off to STH either crossing KELSO or passing A095. Other IFR departures shall be handed off to the appropriate sector either crossing the lateral boundary of the airspace or passing the upper limit of A095 - whichever comes first.

SID Assignment

The controller shall assign the SID that is suggested by their Controller Client noting the steep climb gradient to FL150 required by SIDs via ANOPA .

STAR Clearances

TNV is responsible for issuing STAR clearances for aircraft bound for Dunedin and Queenstown. With coordination to TDN and QTMA on the appropriate STARs.


STH shall issue STARs to arrivals without coordination with Invercargill Tower. Invercargill Tower may choose to coordinate with STH or amend the arrival on first contact.

Runway 22

All RNAV arrivals terminate at either LALEV or DOTLU, which are the IAF for the RNP approach. Aircraft for the VOR approach will track direct to the NV VOR. Aircraft for the VOR DME approach will either track to the NV VOR, direct to PEBLY, or join the 10 NV DME Arc depending on the aircraft's position.

Missed Approach

In the event of a missed approach, aicraft should be instructed to carry out the published missed approach procedure. Aircraft on the RNP approach will track straight out to AMVIX holding at A030. The aircraft can then be issued the approprite arrival procedure from AMVIX to commence the approach again. VOR aircraft will track to the NV VOR holding at A020. The aircraft can then be recleared for the approach from NV VOR. VOR DME aircraft will track to ROCKS holding at A030. The aircraft can then be cleared direct to the NV VOR to commence the approach again.

Runway 04

All RNAV arrivals terminate at ESNUP or EGAMU, which is the IAF for the RNP approach. Aircraft for the VOR approach will track direct to the NV VOR. Aircraft for the VOR DME approach will either track to the NV VOR, direct to PEBLY, or join the NV 10 DME Arc depending on the aircraft's position.

Missed Approach

In the event of a missed approach, aicraft should be instructed to carry out the published missed approach procedure. Aircraft on the RNP approach will track straight out to AMVIX holding at A030. The aircraft can then be issued the approprite arrival procedure from AMVIX to commence the approach again. Aircraft on the VOR or VOR DME approaches will track to the NV VOR holding at A020. The aircraft can then be recleared for the approach from NV VOR.

VFR Procedures

NZNV has no published VFR procedures. VFR traffic shall be issued plain language instructions.


STH and QTMA shall ensure at least a 10 min warning call is given to TNV for any arriving aircraft, TNV shall advise STH, QMTA, or TDN of any departing traffic that is entering their CTA prior to that traffic getting airborne.

Ryans Creek Uncontrolled IFR

Ryans Creek (NZRC) is a small uncontrolled GA aerodrome 30 nm south of Invercargill.


IFR aircraft on the ground at RC shall call TNV prior to taxi to obtain IFR clearance. After a correct readback aircraft shall cleared to enter controlled airspace via SEBSA 1 departure shall. Aircraft are then advised to report prior to entering controlled airspace.


TNV shall clear the aircraft to leave controlled airspace via the RNAV approach for runway 22. The aircraft shall be instsructed to report on the ground to cancel their IFR flight plan.

Last update: July 7, 2023